This past winter, I lived a different life. My alarm startled me out of bed at 5:30 am nearly every day, and I popped in a soothing yoga DVD before running into the bathroom for a rushed shower. After blow drying my hair and bundling up in 7 layers of jackets and scarves (yes, I’m in California…), I grabbed a banana and some dry cereal on my way out the door.
If I hurried enough, I’d have a spare 2 minutes at home to boil water and pour it into my cheery yellow travel mug along with a bag of green tea. To prevent any painful tongue burns, I waited until after the first hour-long meeting of the day to drink any. I’d walk across the street to a coffee shop and settle into the deep chair cushions, ignoring the hustle and bustle of other patrons, to quietly skim through emails while sipping my tea.
That little caffeine boost really helped for my afternoon teaching sessions too…
But once I switched to full-time blogging in April, I no longer needed to rise before the sun. I could savor my mornings, making egg-and-cheese omelettes to eat on the couch instead of crunching on Apple Jacks in the car. And without any kids to keep out of trouble in the afternoons, I stopped depending on caffeine to stay alert and prevent their messy chemical accidents.
While I gained peace and calm by working from home, I eventually started to miss my old routine—but only the tea part! I wanted to enjoy its earthy flavor again, just without the meetings, coffee shop chaos, and burning my tongue. So I mixed up a creamy chilled smoothie this summer, and it cured my green tea blues!
This is a refreshing way to still enjoy tea during the hot summer weather!
- Place all of the ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth. Pour into a glass and serve immediately.
Notes: This is NOT a sweet smoothie! If you like your smoothies sweeter, add more sweetener to taste, up to 2-3 teaspoons more.
For a vegan version, substitute your favorite non-dairy yogurt instead.
I can’t go through the day if I don’t have a big cup of green tea in the morning, but when it’s so hot like it’s now (40ºC, Spanish summer is killer!), it is painful to drink it up. This looks like a fantastic idea. Now I know what I’ll be drinking the rest of the summer! c:
I’m right there with you, Consuelo! I rarely want to drink hot beverages in the summer (or eat ice cream in the winter). It just doesn’t feel right!
What a fascinating idea Amy! I’ve never, ever contemplated adding green tea to yoghurt, but I can definitely understand how the flavour combination would work. Love the photos. Frothy goodness 🙂
Thanks Laura! I figured that a lot of smoothie places add frozen yogurt to their drinks, so using regular yogurt in mine with a little extra ice might be similar. 😉
I’ve tried green tea smoothie but not the creamy one. This looks so delicious. Thanks Amy for sharing this awesome recipe.
Thanks Linda! Have you tried any of my smoothie recipes yet? It seems like you’re really interested in all of them! 🙂
I’ve tried blueberry banana protein smoothie and fruity easter egg smoothie. And I’m planning to try the rest because I bet all your smoothies are delicious, healthy and so awesome. Thanks for sharing them! Cheers!
You’re so sweet Linda — thank you!! That means the world to me! 🙂 I’m so excited to hear which one you end up trying next!
Hi,I have the ingredients to make your creamy green tea smoothie,and Iam going to make your smoothie on sept.28 after lunch.iIwill let you know how much iIenjoy drinking your smoothie tomorrow.
That means a lot to me, Kim! I can’t wait! 🙂