At our Christmas dinner, we completely forgot to serve the green beans. Wait, scratch that. We completely forgot to make the green beans. We served every other dish, but the green beans sat chilling in the fridge while we stuffed ourselves with honey-baked ham and Great-Grandma’s cranberry salad. When I went to put away leftovers, I realized that we still had a bag full of fresh beans to cook and eat in addition to what remained from our Christmas feast. Since I really didn’t want to throw together our typical green bean casserole after the fact, I decided to be a little more creative in preparing these crunchy veggies.
Because the entire family was still too full to munch on anything else, I acknowledged breakfast would be a much better option. Although most people turn to bananas and grapefruit in the morning before they even glance at veggies, I still chose to include the green beans in a breakfast dish. Eggs were the first candidate, and because I was way too impatient to make the perfect omelet, I serve mine scrambled instead.
Eggs with Onions and Green Beans
serves 1
Top with a little mozzarella or Parmesan cheese for a delicious treat!
1/4 of an onion, diced OR 1 scallion clove, diced
5-6 long green beans, cut into 1/4-inch thick circles
2 eggs
olive oil
salt & pepper
- Heat 1-2 tsp olive oil in a small pan over medium-low heat. Add onion and sauté 4-5 minutes, or until beginning to turn golden. Add green beans and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
- Remove pan from burner, and turn heat down to low. If using an electric stove, it’s best to turn on another burner instead because the original one used will not cool down fast enough and eggs will cook too fast.
- Scramble eggs in a bowl while allowing pan to cool. Add eggs to the pan with veggies, and put pan back on burner with low heat.
- Let eggs set for 30-60 seconds, then slowly begin scraping towards the center of the pan. Continue until eggs are no longer runny. Season to taste with salt and pepper, and serve immediately.
My second scrambled egg dish, whoda thunk it?
Hello there!
I hope you don’t mind me contacting you, but I am a TV researcher working on a new Christmas show about funny Christmas stories and kitchen disasters.
In this humorous seasonal special, we reveal the country’s silliest Christmas cookery calamities before serving up a selection of best ever, idiot-proof, Christmas recipes.
I really loved reading your story! I was just wondering if retelling your story for the show would be something that you might be interested in? (if you are UK based, of course? I have a feeling you might be in the US?)
Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you! You can email me on
Lucy x