As I cruised into our shared driveway late at night a few weeks ago, I nearly slammed on my brakes. A 2-foot-long snake slithered out of our neighbor’s bushes! And a 1-foot-tall… Spider? I stopped short of the garage, untangled myself from the seatbelt, and cautiously approached the…
Oh. Paper animals.
As a decorating procrastinator, I completely forget that other people set out pumpkins and orange twinkly lights in early October. (Sure, I buy my trick-or-treater candy around the, but that’s only because I need enough time to test it all before hanging it out to innocent little kids!)
Since the little girl next door really, enjoyed pinning up her black cat cutouts and crinkly pumpkin streamers, I wanted to contribute to the Halloween festivities. I don’t own many decorations, but I sure can bake—or at least melt marshmallows for candy corn rice krispie treats!
based on the recipe from Glorious Treats
The color possibilities are endless! Red and blue for the 4th of July, red and green for Christmas, pink and red for Valentine’s Day… Or yellow and orange for Halloween! These are best served the day of.
- Coat an 8” round cake pan with nonstick cooking spray.
- For the yellow layer: In a medium pot, melt the butter over low heat. Add in the marshmallows, and stir with a spatula until melted and a gooey blob. Stir in the food coloring, and pour the yellow sugar mixture into a bowl. Add in the rice krispies, and stir until well coated. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan, spray your hands with nonstick spray, and mold the mixture into a ring (about 1½ inches thick).
- For the orange layer: Follow the above directions, and mold into a ring inside of the yellow ring of rice krispies.
- For the white layer: Follow the above directions, skipping the food coloring step, and press the mixture into the hole left in the center of the prepared pan.
- Cool the rice krispie treats completely, at least 30 min. Invert the cake pan onto a cutting board to remove the treats. Cut into 8 equal triangular slices and serve.
Wow! This looks great!!
Thanks!! I’ll save some for you if I make another batch! :]
These are adorable! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thank you Kim! They were so fun to make, and my guy ate half the pan by himself. Best kind of treat! 😉
making these for a fall party tomorrow!! thanks for sharing!! 🙂
My pleasure Emma! I hope you enjoy them! 🙂
I’m excited to try this year! Just double butter for the white layer?
Oh goodness, thanks for catching that Kris!! I’ve updated the recipe, so everything should look much better. I hope you enjoy them! 🙂
tsp or TBSP for the butter?
Teaspoon! I can’t wait to hear what you think of these Tracy! 🙂
It’s “brakes” not “breaks.” If you’re going to write “professionally,” hire a proofreader unless you want to come off as a third grader.
Hi Janette, I’m a professional proofreader/copy editor and can say that mistakes happen, even to “professionals.” Don’t rope us proofreaders into your cyberbullying scheme.
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, Ellie! Your kind words mean a lot to me. 🙂
Thanks!! These were super simple treat and gluten free too! Glad I found your post.
I’m so glad you enjoyed them Teresa! Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know! 🙂